PHYS 205 Lab Manual

Experiment 6  Lab Project

Experiment Selection

You have freedom in choosing a suitable experiment for your project, provided that it is related to one of the main topics discussed in PHYS 205. The project should answer a nontrivial question and have a narrow scope suitable for a short experiment.

Of course, you are encouraged to perform an original experiment and design your own setup. This should give you more credit for originality and innovation. You may also want to reproduce an experiment published in a book or a scientific journal. Experimental procedures taken from another lab manual or found on the Internet are also acceptable.

Use absolutely safe material and equipment when you carry out this project. You are advised to avoid setup and procedures that require expensive equipment or material other than common household items. It is also recommended that you discuss the proposed project with your tutor before you begin.

Reading Assignment

The e-book chapter below discusses a related concept you may find useful.

Low-Cost Physics Home Laboratory, by F. Al-Shamali and M. Connors in Accessible Elements: Teaching Science Online and at a Distance, edited by D. Kennepohl and L. Shaw. For a free copy click here.

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