PHYS 205 Lab Manual

Experiment 6  Lab Project


After selecting a suitable project, you are expected to follow the style and format of previous experiments in this lab manual. Begin by specifying the physics concept or theory you are trying to investigate. After that, write down the detailed procedural steps you plan to follow in your investigation. Then, make sure you have all the equipment and material necessary for the setup. Do your best to streamline the procedure and maximize the use of the lab kit items. Note that a complicated experiment is not necessarily a good experiment. Do your best to maximize the outcome with minimum effort and cost. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your tutor.

Safety Note

Before you begin, review the whole procedure and make sure you understand all the steps involved. Perform proper risk assessment and do not pursue any project whose procedure, equipment, or material poses any safety issues. Remember that safety comes first, and you must always ensure the safety of yourself and any person at your location. Again, if you have any question or concern, please contact your tutor.

When you are ready, assemble your setup and run the experiment as specified in your procedure. Record and save all collected data. Take multiple pictures (and/or videos) at different stages of your experiment. The pictures should be clear and sufficient in number to show the whole procedure.

➤ Analysis