PHYS 205 Lab Manual

Experiment 4  Magnetic Field of a Solenoid


In this experiment, you measured the magnetic field inside a solenoid for different current values. In Table 4.1, record the highest magnetic field value measured by the sensor inside the solenoid for each resistor used. After completing the table, generate a graphical representation of your data, where the $x$ axis represents the current $I$ and the $y$ axis corresponds to the magnetic field $B$. Make sure to use appropriate units for both quantities. Perform a Linear Fit to all data points and save your graph to be included in the lab report.

Do your data support the theoretical predictions regarding the relation between $B$ and $I$? Provide a detailed discussion (about 400 words) in this regard. In the discussion, be sure to indicate the limitations of your experiment and the possible sources of error.

Table 4.1: Data table template
Magnetic field


Based on your best-fit analysis, estimate the magnetic permeability of free space. How does your experimental estimation of $\mu_0$ compare to the known value?