PHYS 205 Lab Manual


Lab Kit

Part of the material and equipment required for the experiments in this manual are packaged in a kit form, which can be borrowed from the Athabasca University (AU) Science Lab. The PHYS 205 lab kit should contain the items listed below. You are expected to provide additional material in the form of common household items.

  1. Two styrofoam balls
    lab kit
  2. Differential voltage probe
  3. Current probe
  4. Magnetic field sensor
  5. Go!Link connection
  6. D-size battery holder
  7. Circuit switch
  8. Capacitor ($470\,\mu$F)
  9. Five resistors (values $15\,\Omega$ to $50\,\Omega$)
  10. Three resistors (values $5\,\text{k}\Omega$ to $15\,\text{k}\Omega$)
  11. Nichrome wire (about $1\,\text{m}$ long)
  12. Enameled (or insulated) copper wire (about $1.5\,\text{m}$ long)
  13. Five connection wires
  14. Permanent magnet

When you are ready to perform the experiments, please request your lab kit from the AU Science Lab by completing the Lab Request Form. The lab kit will be mailed to you shortly after you request it. If the demand for the kits is high, you may be placed on a waiting list. The kit you receive should contain a card for return postage. Note that only those enrolled in the course may borrow a lab kit.

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