PHYS 205 Lab Manual

Experiment 3  $RC$ Circuit


Using the Logger Pro program, open the saved data file representing the charging of the 10-$\text{k}\Omega$ resistor. Highlight all data points and perform a Curve Fit using the Inverse Exponent equation A*(1-exp(-Ct))+B. Note that the fit parameter C is different from the capacitance value ($C$). Save your graph to be included in the lab report.

Open the saved data file representing the discharging of the 10-$\text{k}\Omega$ resistor. Highlight all data points and perform a Curve Fit using the Natural Exponent equation A*exp(-Ct)+B. Also save this graph to include in your lab report. Repeat this analysis for the remaining data files you generated in this experiment.

Do your data support the theoretical predictions? Provide detailed discussion (about 400 words) in this regard, and make sure to indicate the limitations of your experiment and possible sources of error.


Based on your data, estimate the time~constant ($\tau$) for each of the three $RC$ circuits constructed in this experiment. How do the experimental $\tau$ values compare to the theoretical predictions?